
Namespace: http://filecatalyst.com/model
XML Schema: model.xsd

Class to hold the cell phone carrier types

Possible Values

value description
PLEASE_SELECT_CARRIER Please select your carrier
MSG_ACSLASKA_COM msg.acsalaska.com - ACS Wireless
MESSAGE_ALLTEL_COM message.alltel.com - Alltel
DIGITALEDGE_ACSWIRELESS_COM digitaledge.acswireless.com - Ameritech
AWSMS_COM awsms.com - Appalachian Wireless
MOBILE_ATT_NET mobile.att.net - AT&T Wireless
DPCS_MOBILE_ATT_NET dpcs.mobile.att.net - AT&T Pocketnet
SMS_EDGEWIRELESS_COM sms.edgewireless.com - AT&T Edgewireless
WIRELESS_BELLSOUTH_COM wireless.bellsouth.com - Bell South Cellular 1
BELLSOUTHWIRELESSEMAIL_COM bellsouthwirelessemail.com - Bell South Cellular 2
SMS_BLUECELL_COM sms.bluecell.com - Bluegrass Cellular
TYPETALK_RURALCELLULAR_COM typetalk.ruralcellular.com - Cellular 2000
CWWSMS_COM cwwsms.com - Carolina West
MOBILE_CELLONEUSA_COM mobile.celloneusa.com - Cellular One 1
C1USA_COM c1usa.com - Cellular One 2
C1EMAIL_COM c1email.com - Cellular One-Amarillo
TYPETALK_RURALCELLULAR_COM2 typetalk.ruralcellular.com - Cellular One-Bend
SBCEMAIL_COM sbcemail.com - Cellular One-Boston
CELLONE_MS_COM cellone-ms.com - Cellular One-Mississippi
MYCELLONE_NET mycellone.net - Cellular One-NE Texas
SMS_IOWAONE_NET sms.iowaone.net - Cellular One-NW Iowa
UTEXT_COM utext.com - Cellular One-Rural Cellular
MOBILE_C1_SLO_COM mobile.c1-slo.com - Cellular One-SLO
CSOUTH1_COM csouth1.com - Cellular South
GOCBW_COM gocbw.com - Cincinnati Bell Wireless
MYCINGULAR_COM mycingular.com - Cingular Wireless 1
MYCINGULAR_NET mycingular.net - Cingular Wireless 2
MOBILE_MYCINGULAR_COM mobile.mycingular.com - Cingular Wireless 3
MOBILE_MYCINGULAR_NET mobile.mycingular.net - Cingular Wireless 4
CORRWIRELESS_NET corrwireless.net - Corr Wireless
MOBILE_DOBSONCELLULAR_COM mobile.dobsoncellular.com - Dobson Cellular
SMS_HICKORYTECH_COM sms.hickorytech.com - HickoryTech
TEXT_HOUSTONCELLULAR_NET text.houstoncellular.net - Houston Cellular
CLEARLYDIGITAL_COM clearlydigital.com - Midwest Wireless
MESSAGE_PIONEERENIDCELLULAR_COM message.pioneerenidcellular.com - Pioneer Enid Cellular
SMSMAIL_PLATEAUTEL_NET smsmail.plateautel.net - Plateau Wireless
SMS_PSCEL_COM sms.pscel.com - PSC Wireless
MAIL_DATA1SOURCE_COM mail.data1source.com - PTSI Cellular
MOBILE_ATT_NET2 mobile.att.net - Rogers AT&T
PCS_ROGERS_COM pcs.rogers.com - Rogers AT&T
EMAIL2GO_COM email2go.com - Rogers AT&T
EMAIL_SWBW_COM email.swbw.com - Southwestern Bell
TMS_SUNCOM_COM tms.suncom.com - Suncom
SUNCOM1_COM suncom1.com - Suncom
SUNGRAM_COM sungram.com - Suncom
TYPETALK_RURALCELLULAR_COM3 typetalk.ruralcellular.com - Unicel 1
USCC_TEXTMSG_COM uscc.textmsg.com - US Cellular 1
EMAIL_USCC_NET email.uscc.net - US Cellular 2
USCC_NET uscc.net - US Cellular 3
SMSC_VZPACIFICA_NET smsc.vzpacifica.net - Verizon Guam/Micronesia
SMS_WCC_NET sms.wcc.net - West Central Wireless
MSG_TELUS_COM msg.telus.com - Telus Mobility
TXT_BELLMOBILITY_COM txt.bellmobility.com -Bell Mobility
PCS_ROGERS_COM2 pcs.rogers.com - Rogers Mobility
WIREFREE_INFORME_CA wirefree.informe.ca - Aliant Mobility
PCS_SASKTELMOBILITY_COM pcs.sasktelmobility.com - SaskTel
TXT_BELLMOBILITY_CA txt.bellmobility.ca - Bell Mobility Canada