Data Types


type description
APOBasicModel REST Model That Contains Status Information Data For A Client Connection On The HotFolder
APOPostDeltaModel REST Model That Contains Status Information Data For A Client Connection On The HotFolder
APOPostHeaderFooterModel REST Model That Contains Status Information Data For A Client Connection On The HotFolder
APOPreDelayModel REST Model That Contains Status Information Data For A Client Connection On The HotFolder
AdaptedMap An adapter map object that converts normal Java-based Map collections and translates them into proper XML
AdaptedMapHMEA An adapter map object that converts normal Java-based Map collections and translates them into proper XML
AdaptedWebSocketSessionMap An adapter map object that converts normal Java-based Map collections and translates them into proper XML
AdminAuthServiceLabelsModel REST Model that contains a collection of AdminAuthServiceModels
AdminAuthServiceModel REST model that captures the details for a particular group
AdminAuthServiceTestRequestModel REST Model that contains a collection of AdminAuthServiceModels
AdminAuthServiceTestResponseModel REST Model that contains a collection of AdminAuthServiceModels
AdminAuthServiceType Enumeration of folder usage types
AdminAuthServicesModel REST Model that contains a collection of AdminAuthServiceModels
AdminGroupModel REST model that captures the details for a particular group
AdminGroupsModel REST Model that contains a collection of AdminGroupModels
AdminLinkRequestModel Links a particular element with a permission set.
AdminObjectIdModel Generic link model that links s together
AdminObjectIdsModel Generic link model that links elements together
AdminObjectType Enumeration of folder usage types
AdminPermissionModel REST Model that contains the permission values that an admin has
AdminPermissionType Enumeration of connection status types
AdminPermissionsModel REST Model that contains the permission values that an admin has
AdminRoleModel REST model that captures the description for a particular group
AdminRolesModel REST Model that contains a collection of AdminUserRoleModels
AdminUserModel REST Model that contains the details for a user within Central
AdminUsersModel REST Model that contains a collection of AdminUserModels
AdvancedProgressivesOptionModel this class exists because the parent class was moved to a shared directory to allow the TransferAgent access to these models, and moving broke our object serialization. So we've added an empty child class with the same serialVersionUID = 1L; when deserializd, it will correctly fill all the fields and because they are the same (we only moved the class) and internally we will still be able to treat it as the parent class. it's possible that we could also do this the other way, but this works for now.
AdvancedProgressivesOptionModel REST Model That Contains Status Information Data For A Client Connection On The HotFolder
AdvancedProgressivesOptionType Enumeration of congestion control types
AdvancedProgressivesOptionsModel this class exists because the parent class was moved to a shared directory to allow the TransferAgent access to these models, and moving broke our object serialization. So we've added an empty child class with the same serialVersionUID = 1L; when deserializd, it will correctly fill all the fields and because they are the same (we only moved the class) and internally we will still be able to treat it as the parent class. it's possible that we could also do this the other way, but this works for now.
AdvancedProgressivesOptionsModel REST Model That Contains Status Information Data For A Client Connection On The HotFolder
AlarmModel Central alarm model class
AlarmsModel Central alarms model class
CentralLinkModel Central link model class
CompressionMethodType Enumeration of compression method types
CongestionControlStrategyType Enumeration of congestion control types
ConnectionModel Central model that represents the connection between two individual nodes on the system
ConnectionStatusType Enumeration of connection status types
ConnectionsModel REST Model that contains a collection of ConnectionModels
DataItemModel Model used to contain the values that are used to modify configuration values in TransferAgent. Used with the /agent/config resource
DataItemsModel Model used to contain a collection of DataItemModel objects
DataTableParamsModel Data table parameters model class
EmptyModel Shared model that contains nothing. Used mainly to demonstrate a successful call that does need a response body. 'Shared' models are models that used by more than one FC application
FCSessionModel Model class to hold session information. This informtion is provided by the Server and is not user configurable.
FCSessionsModel Central FC Server users model class
FCWebFormFieldModel Form field model class
FCWebOrderFormModel Order Form model class
FCWebOrderFormsModel FC WEB Order Forms model class
FileDetailsModel File details model class
FileFilterTargetType serialization bullshit, don't change
FileObjectModel Shared model containing all details of a file retrieved the from the local machine. 'Shared' models are models that used by more than one FC application
FileObjectsModel Shared collection model representing multiple FileObjectModel objects. 'Shared' models are models that used by more than one FC application
FilePriorityType Enumeration of file priority types
FilesDetailsModel Files details model class
FolderLinkModel Name Folder Link model class
FolderModel Folder model class
FolderUsageType Enumeration of folder usage types
FoldersModel Central FC Server folders model class
FormFieldModel FormField model class
GroupModel User Group model class
GroupsModel Central FC Server groups model class
HistogramModel Shared model that represents the data transferred by the application calling it. 'Shared' models are models that used by more than one FC application
HistogramModelExt Shared model that represents the data transferred by the application calling it. 'Shared' models are models that used by more than one FC application
HotFolderModel HotFolderModel model class
HotFoldersModel Central FC Server folders model class
ImageInfoModel Shared model that contains the information for a given image. 'Shared' models are models that used by more than one FC application
ImagesModel Central FC Server maps model class
IncrementalTransferFileType Enumeration of incremental transfer file types
LicenseModel Shared model that contains information about the current license installed on the application. 'Shared' models are models that used by more than one FC application
LinkPermissionsModel Name LinkPermissions model class. No values are required but unset values will default to False.
LinkType Enumeration of link types
MainViewModel REST model that contains the information for the main map view
MapBackgroundImageModel REST model that contains all of the information for background images within the map view of Central
MapInfoModel REST model that contains the info for a given map
MapModel REST model that contains all of the information for a given map
MapOrgUnitModel REST model that contains the information for an organization unit in Central's map feature
MapTaskModel REST Model that contains all of the information for a task currently being transfered within the map
MapTasksAndSessionsModel REST model that contains listings of the map's tasks and sessions
MappedNodeModel REST model that contains information for mapped node
NameHrefModel Name HREF model class
NameHrefModel Name HREF model class
NodeModel Central node model class
NodesModel Central nodes model class
OrderFormModel Order Form model class
OrderFormType Enumeration of order form types
PasswordModel Password model class. Used for password changes. A new password and confirmation must be provided to change a password
PositionModel REST Model that contains a general set of X and Y coordinates
RecurrenceType Enumeration of recurrence types
RestartType Enumeration representing different types of users
ScheduleModel Task schedule model class
SchedulerModel Central HF Scheduler model class
SchedulerTaskModel Scheduler Task model class. This models contains the data that shows up in each of the rows of the schedule list.
ServerLicenseModel REST model that contains information about the current license installed on the server. This information is provided by the Server and is not user configurable.
ServerUserType Enumeration of user types
SessionAuthorizationModel Shared model used to store session authorization information for a given client and session. 'Shared' models are models that used by more than one FC application
SessionInfoModel Shared model used to store information on given session with a given client. 'Shared' models are models that used by more than one FC application
SilencedAlarmModel REST model that contains all of the information for silencing particular alarms
SiteModel Site model class
SiteType Enumeration of site types
SitesModel Central FC Server sites model class
SizeModel Shared model containing dimensions representing the size of an entity (usually an image). 'Shared' models are models that used by more than one FC application
TaskModel Transfer Task model class. This model contains all of the information that is statically defined within a task.
TasksModel Central FC Server tasks model class
TransferModeType Enumeration of transfer mode types
TransferModel Central transfer model class
TransferQueryParamsModel Transfer Query model class
TransferSearchModel Transfer Search criteria model class
TransferStatisticModel Central transfer statistic model class
TransferStatisticsModel Central transfer statistics model class
TransferStatisticsType Enumeration of transfer statistics types
TransferVerifyModeType Enumeration of transfer verify mode types
TransfersModel Central transfers model class
UserInfoModel Shared model used to store information of a given user. 'Shared' models are models that used by more than one FC application
UserModel Model class to hold user information
UserType Enumeration of user types
UsersModel Central FC Server users model class
VirtualPathTargetType Enumeration of folder usage types
WebSocketSessionCollectionModel The FC base REST model. All other REST models are based off this
WebSocketSessionInfoModel Simple data model that contains the information for a given WebSocket session


Default Namespace (schema)
type description
adminPermissionType Enumeration of connection status types
fileFilterTargetType serialization bullshit, don't change
Default Namespace (schema)
type description
Namespace (schema)
type description
nameHrefModel Name HREF model class
Namespace (schema)
type description
adminAuthServiceLabelsModel REST Model that contains a collection of AdminAuthServiceModels
adminAuthServiceModel REST model that captures the details for a particular group
adminAuthServiceTestRequestModel REST Model that contains a collection of AdminAuthServiceModels
adminAuthServiceTestResponseModel REST Model that contains a collection of AdminAuthServiceModels
adminAuthServicesModel REST Model that contains a collection of AdminAuthServiceModels
adminGroupModel REST model that captures the details for a particular group
adminGroupsModel REST Model that contains a collection of AdminGroupModels
adminLinkRequestModel Links a particular element with a permission set.
adminObjectIdModel Generic link model that links s together
adminObjectIdsModel Generic link model that links elements together
adminPermissionModel REST Model that contains the permission values that an admin has
adminPermissionsModel REST Model that contains the permission values that an admin has
adminRoleModel REST model that captures the description for a particular group
adminRolesModel REST Model that contains a collection of AdminUserRoleModels
adminUserModel REST Model that contains the details for a user within Central
adminUsersModel REST Model that contains a collection of AdminUserModels
alarmModel Central alarm model class
alarmsModel Central alarms model class
centralLinkModel Central link model class
connectionModel Central model that represents the connection between two individual nodes on the system
connectionsModel REST Model that contains a collection of ConnectionModels
dataTableParamsModel Data table parameters model class
FCSessionsModel Central FC Server users model class
fileDetailsModel File details model class
filesDetailsModel Files details model class
foldersModel Central FC Server folders model class
groupsModel Central FC Server groups model class
hotFoldersModel Central FC Server folders model class
imagesModel Central FC Server maps model class
mainViewModel REST model that contains the information for the main map view
mapBackgroundImageModel REST model that contains all of the information for background images within the map view of Central
mapInfoModel REST model that contains the info for a given map
mapModel REST model that contains all of the information for a given map
mapOrgUnitModel REST model that contains the information for an organization unit in Central's map feature
mapTaskModel REST Model that contains all of the information for a task currently being transfered within the map
mapTasksAndSessionsModel REST model that contains listings of the map's tasks and sessions
mappedNodeModel REST model that contains information for mapped node
nodeModel Central node model class
nodesModel Central nodes model class
positionModel REST Model that contains a general set of X and Y coordinates
schedulerModel Central HF Scheduler model class
silencedAlarmModel REST model that contains all of the information for silencing particular alarms
sitesModel Central FC Server sites model class
tasksModel Central FC Server tasks model class
transferModel Central transfer model class
transferQueryParamsModel Transfer Query model class
transferSearchModel Transfer Search criteria model class
transferStatisticModel Central transfer statistic model class
transferStatisticsModel Central transfer statistics model class
transfersModel Central transfers model class
usersModel Central FC Server users model class
adminAuthServiceType Enumeration of folder usage types
adminObjectType Enumeration of folder usage types
connectionStatusType Enumeration of connection status types
transferStatisticsType Enumeration of transfer statistics types
FCWebFormFieldModel Form field model class
FCWebOrderFormModel Order Form model class
FCWebOrderFormsModel FC WEB Order Forms model class
formFieldModel FormField model class
hotFolderModel HotFolderModel model class
orderFormModel Order Form model class
scheduleModel Task schedule model class
schedulerTaskModel Scheduler Task model class. This models contains the data that shows up in each of the rows of the schedule list.
siteModel Site model class
taskModel Transfer Task model class. This model contains all of the information that is statically defined within a task.
compressionMethodType Enumeration of compression method types
congestionControlStrategyType Enumeration of congestion control types
filePriorityType Enumeration of file priority types
incrementalTransferFileType Enumeration of incremental transfer file types
orderFormType Enumeration of order form types
recurrenceType Enumeration of recurrence types
siteType Enumeration of site types
transferModeType Enumeration of transfer mode types
transferVerifyModeType Enumeration of transfer verify mode types
sessionAuthorizationModel Shared model used to store session authorization information for a given client and session. 'Shared' models are models that used by more than one FC application
sessionInfoModel Shared model used to store information on given session with a given client. 'Shared' models are models that used by more than one FC application
userInfoModel Shared model used to store information of a given user. 'Shared' models are models that used by more than one FC application
FCSessionModel Model class to hold session information. This informtion is provided by the Server and is not user configurable.
folderLinkModel Name Folder Link model class
folderModel Folder model class
groupModel User Group model class
linkPermissionsModel Name LinkPermissions model class. No values are required but unset values will default to False.
nameHrefModel Name HREF model class
serverLicenseModel REST model that contains information about the current license installed on the server. This information is provided by the Server and is not user configurable.
userModel Model class to hold user information
folderUsageType Enumeration of folder usage types
serverUserType Enumeration of user types
virtualPathTargetType Enumeration of folder usage types
emptyModel Shared model that contains nothing. Used mainly to demonstrate a successful call that does need a response body. 'Shared' models are models that used by more than one FC application
fileObjectModel Shared model containing all details of a file retrieved the from the local machine. 'Shared' models are models that used by more than one FC application
fileObjectsModel Shared collection model representing multiple FileObjectModel objects. 'Shared' models are models that used by more than one FC application
histogramModel Shared model that represents the data transferred by the application calling it. 'Shared' models are models that used by more than one FC application
histogramModelExt Shared model that represents the data transferred by the application calling it. 'Shared' models are models that used by more than one FC application
adaptedMapHMEA An adapter map object that converts normal Java-based Map collections and translates them into proper XML
imageInfoModel Shared model that contains the information for a given image. 'Shared' models are models that used by more than one FC application
licenseModel Shared model that contains information about the current license installed on the application. 'Shared' models are models that used by more than one FC application
passwordModel Password model class. Used for password changes. A new password and confirmation must be provided to change a password
sizeModel Shared model containing dimensions representing the size of an entity (usually an image). 'Shared' models are models that used by more than one FC application
APOBasicModel REST Model That Contains Status Information Data For A Client Connection On The HotFolder
APOPostDeltaModel REST Model That Contains Status Information Data For A Client Connection On The HotFolder
APOPostHeaderFooterModel REST Model That Contains Status Information Data For A Client Connection On The HotFolder
APOPreDelayModel REST Model That Contains Status Information Data For A Client Connection On The HotFolder
advancedProgressivesOptionModel REST Model That Contains Status Information Data For A Client Connection On The HotFolder
advancedProgressivesOptionsModel REST Model That Contains Status Information Data For A Client Connection On The HotFolder
dataItemModel Model used to contain the values that are used to modify configuration values in TransferAgent. Used with the /agent/config resource
adaptedMap An adapter map object that converts normal Java-based Map collections and translates them into proper XML
dataItemsModel Model used to contain a collection of DataItemModel objects
linkType Enumeration of link types
restartType Enumeration representing different types of users
userType Enumeration of user types
advancedProgressivesOptionType Enumeration of congestion control types
webSocketSessionCollectionModel The FC base REST model. All other REST models are based off this
webSocketSessionInfoModel Simple data model that contains the information for a given WebSocket session
adaptedWebSocketSessionMap An adapter map object that converts normal Java-based Map collections and translates them into proper XML
Namespace (schema)
type description
placeholder this class exists because the parent class was moved to a shared directory to allow the TransferAgent access to these models, and moving broke our object serialization. So we've added an empty child class with the same serialVersionUID = 1L; when deserializd, it will correctly fill all the fields and because they are the same (we only moved the class) and internally we will still be able to treat it as the parent class. it's possible that we could also do this the other way, but this works for now.
advancedProgressivesOptionsModel this class exists because the parent class was moved to a shared directory to allow the TransferAgent access to these models, and moving broke our object serialization. So we've added an empty child class with the same serialVersionUID = 1L; when deserializd, it will correctly fill all the fields and because they are the same (we only moved the class) and internally we will still be able to treat it as the parent class. it's possible that we could also do this the other way, but this works for now.