Note: The file for the diagnostics is created asynchronously and can be found under your INSTALL_PATH/diagnostics]]> Note: When Virtual Paths are defined on the TransferAgent, local file operations are restricted to file paths that begin with a label found within the Virtual Path list. If a supplied path doesn't start with any of the virtual path labels, the system will reply with an exception.

  • BANDWIDTH: ReportCreationTime|TransmitRate|RecieveRate
  • DATA: ReportCreationTime|dataAmount

Note 1: The end-point found at /rs/system/server.status.monitor has been removed. The new entry point for the data can be found at /rs/systemMonitor.

Note: This method must be called AFTER /rs/oauth/accessURL. If that method hasn't been called before, an exception will be thrown.]]>
  • Note: Reports are created at the start of a file transfer
  • Note 1: Reports are created at the start of a file transfer
  • Note 2: Reports are archived at the end of a file transfer
  • Note: Reports are created at the start of a file transfer